About Us

​Kentucky has the most rigorous certification program in the nation to allow communities to demonstrate their workforce quality. This is an opportunity to differentiate our county and help Kentucky compete to attract jobs now and in the future.

The criteria include high school graduation rates, work-based learning opportunities, engagement of underserved populations, community commitment, educational attainment, soft skills development and Internet availability.

Review Panel Meetings

​A panel of experts representing each of ten stakeholder groups is appointed by the Kentucky Workforce Investment Board to review each application for Work Ready and Work Ready in Progress status. This panel makes recommendations to the board for certification.

Panel Meets Quarterly

The Review Panel meets quarterly. Applicants are permitted to make a brief presentation prior to answering questions from the panel. Applicants may appear in person or via video conference.

​Application Timeline Review

Applications will be reviewed and approved based on panel recommendations according to the following timeline. PLEASE NOTE: A Letter of Intent must be submitted at least 30 days in advance of submitting an application.

  1. Local committees send their completed application to the Work Ready Community Coordinators.
  2. Members of the Review Panel are assigned applications to review.
  3. Feedback and questions from the Review Panel are sent to the local committees.
  4. The Review Panel meets in full to discuss the applications and additional information provided by the local committees.
  5. A recommendation is made to the Kentucky Workforce Innovation Board to approve Work Ready or Work Ready in Progress status.